My Take: Political Madness

Australia is clearly in the midst of the most conservative, most neoliberal government in its history. Prime Minister Tony Abbott and henchmen have been making drastic cuts to government services left, right and centre. And what’s the Labor opposition doing, basically nothing, in fact it has been down to independent and small party senators like the Motoring Enthusiast Party’s Ricky Muir and the Palmer United Party to provide the true opposition to the most anti-worker government this country has seen. Because of the capitalist elections and the two party system, when we go to vote for the next Prime Minister in 2016, we will either have to choose the party whose ideology is all about oppressing workers and destroying the livelihood of our country or we will choose the party with no ideology that can’t differentiate itself from neo-liberalism. We need a difference and all the Greens give us is rhetoric on saving the environment, all the while maintaining the position as the third party in the establishment of this environmentally destructive system. Australia’s demockracy is allowing those at the top to make record profits by outsourcing overseas while many in the working class go to sleep at night not knowing if they’ll have enough food to get through the next day. These are profits which are leading to the destruction of the democratic ideals which makes nations great.


Unlike our totalitarian dictator Tony Abbott wants, we should not become more like the U.S, because the USA is what could be called a failed state with poverty at an all time high, a right wing that will stop at nothing to pursue its goal for the corporations to take full control and a current administration, albeit quite a centrist one, that wants to go back into Iraq into a war that could spark a new and even more dangerous than before jihadi movement. Revolutionary ideas are the way forward, and our left-wing parties need to show the way forward for the ultimate goal of destroying the system responsible for a large majority of our world’s problems, and creating a world free of leaders who want our world dead and buried, and in their place a democracy where people, no matter what their situation can be happy knowing that they won’t be abused in their workplace or home, and that their faith can be put in an inclusive system, that looks to help people in need rather than fight them. The system is in an unrepairable state and we have to be the ones making revolution happen, rather than just a dream.


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