My Take: ISIL Crisis

The major issue facing Australia today really is what to do about the Islamic State, the terrorist organisation that has been rampaging through Iraq and Syria in the name of forming a caliphate. All Western countries have been put on high alert due to the risks of this organisation, and the fact that they are looking to spread their brand of extreme Sunni jihadist Islam to other parts of the Middle East, which is a danger to many men, women and children across the region.

Unfortunately, this is a double edged sword, because countries have been gearing up for a war effort, which if unsuccessful, would just add to the number of radicals who would join for these terrorist groups, due to their hatred of Western war-mongering. The decision of Prime Minister Tony Abbott to wage war on ISIL is exactly what this group wants, they want the West scared. It is what they thrive off. This is the main reason behind the recent beheadings of David Haines, Steven Sotloff and James Foley, to scare countries in the West into waging war.

The problem with not doing anything is that we know ISIL will continue to spread their extremism further into the Middle East if we do nothing. I personally think, the West should consider giving Peshmerga more arms and equipment, because at the end of the day, we don’t want to be considered as being a major player, because that will make ISIL and al-Qaeda more attractive to moderate Muslims, and the Kurdish people need support to form their own independent state.

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